كيكة الحفاظات .. هديتك المبتكرة

حياكم الله وهلا بالجميع احب اعرض لكم تصميماتي للكعكة الحفاظات

 كيكة الحفاظات .. هديتك المبتكرة

لماذا تعتبر كيكة الحفاظات هي أفضل هدية يمكن تقديمها للأم؟

كيكة الحفاظات هي أحدث موضة في عالم هدايا المواليد، جميلة الشكل، ملفته ورائعة في حفلات المواليد أو في المستشفى، وفي نفس الوقت مفيدة جدا للأم.

ما هي كيكة الحفاظات وماذا نحتاج لعملها وكيفية عملها .. تابعي معي لمعرفة التفاصيل ....

ما هي كيكة الحفاظات؟

كيكة الحفاظات هي عباره عن كيكة متعددة الطبقات مصنوعة من حفاظات الأطفال  ومضاف لها طقم للبيبي من ملابس واكسسوارات والعاب وطقم اكل او طقم استحمام وطقم عطوور وغيره يعني حسب طلب الزبونه ، هذا يعني أنها ليست للأكل وإنما هدية مزينة من الحفاظات التي تحتاجها الأم لطفلها.

تتكون كيكة الحفاظات من عدة اسطوانات من الحفاظات الملفوفة بحيث تشبة إلى حد كبير الكيكة الحقيقية،
 الزبونه تختار النوع واللون وعلينا التنفيذ

وطبعا التصميم وحجمه حسب ميزانية الزبونه

 عادة تكون مزينة بشكل جيد جدا بحيث أن وجودها في غرفة المستشفى أو في حفل استقبال المولود حدث مبهج بحد ذاته.

وممكن الحفاظات فقط
السعر حسب الحجم والإضافات

لطلب الرجاء مراسلتي على الخاص للجادات بليز لا تضيعو وقتكم ووقتي


Lil' Angel  Diaper Cakes Are Functionally Fabulous
Of course you won't find a speck of sugar, but our diaper cakes are still as sweet as they can be. Completely usable, each diaper cake is carefully hand crafted in our cozy  Little Angel Cakes atelier, with the finest ingredients--premium brands trusted by parents , .....everywhere like Pampers diapers, Johnson & Johnson

Fantastic! Gorgeous! Perfect! That's what you will hear when a new mom unveils one of our unique diaper cakes at her baby shower or as a special baby gift from friends, family members, or work colleagues. Our diaper cakes are a wonderful compliment to any baby shower event or as a standalone gift. They're functional in that every diaper is usable as if they came right out of the original Pamper’s diaper package. As an alternate to mass produced products our cakes are hand-assembled in a smoke free environment to provide a wonderfully unique baby gift giving experience.

Our diaper cakes offer more than just the gift of diapers. Their resemblance to an actual cake makes a great addition to any baby shower décor or as a baby shower centerpiece. And speaking of centerpieces, our baby diaper cakes make phenomenal baby shower centerpieces. We invite you to consider this great decorating option as more and more of our customers are purchasing diaper cakes instead of flowers as centerpieces.

Quality. It's easy to say but another to deliver. So here's our comittment to you. We only use tried and trusted names that new moms rely on. Names such as Pampers for our diapers and Mothercare Carter s  Next for Clothing. These trusted product lines create a premium diaper cake you can give with confidence to that special mom. In addition, every cake we construct is designed to withstand shipping and arrive in perfect condition. Lastly, our diaper cakes are assembled by moms who understand what it’s like to care for a newborn and take great pride in their work. Our team will handmake
your diaper cake as if it was for their own baby
The idea for Lil' Angel  Daiper Cakes & Gift Basket started in 2010 when I was preparing for my baby shower. I wanted to make sure the baby shower was very special. You see this was my first baby.
I wanted a Diaper Cake as well as a Edible Cake which corresponded with the nursery. I made my first diaper cake for myself and found out that I enjoyed making it
I soon had people who had seen my cake, or was a friend of a friend who wanted one for their special shower. 

I have since branched out to Daiper Cakes , Towel Cakes, Candy Bar
Cakes, Personalized Gift Baskets and more.

I love being creative and creating "One Of A Kind Gifts" If you have an idea or a need, please contact me and we can talk about it.

Together I am sure we can come up with just what you are wanting.
Each of our products have been custom made for the individual customer. The cakes, theme's and price ranges vary based on their
needs and the items they desire on their cakes
Because most everything we make is a Custom Order and "One of a Kind" it is very difficult to have standard set pricing.
Just send me an email ; mailto:laamri_z@hotmail.com  and we will be happy to help you create a Great Gift in your price range.

Ps : As our diaper cakes are customised, depending on the theme requested, we will require at least 3 days from the confirmation date to 'bake' the cake


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